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Corona lab leak theory is gaining a lot of prominence in recent times. Many scientists claiming that the coronavirus is man-made.US president Joe Biden ordered the British Intelligence agency to find the origin of the coronavirus within 90 days.
SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic that completely turns the world into a mortuary. Till now it was taken of lives of 3.7 million people in the world. In total, 173 million people get infected with SARS-COV-2.
WHO declared covid-19 as a pandemic in December 2019. But according to the latest report both China and WHO were aware of the pandemic earlier. Moreover, WHO is supporting China secretly.
In history, China is a hub for pandemics like
- The Asian Flu in 1956
- H5N1 Bird Flu in 1997
- The SARS Epidemic in 2002
- Coronavirus in 2019
Covid lab leak theory Explained

Still, the world does not about the origin of the coronavirus. Initially, it has told that coronavirus originated in Wuhan wet market.
But now the many scientists are claiming that coronavirus spread from lab leak. Wuhan Institue on Virology might be the origin of the pandemic.
Many scientists were involved in deep research of bat viruses for the past 5 years. The news came to light that 2 or3 the staff from the Wuhan lab were admitted to hospitals. Staff had symptoms identical to novel coronavirus infections.
It is believed that coronavirus has deliberately been modified in the Wuhan lab. Research is going on bat coronavirus since 2015. Then some claim that coronavirus is used as a bio-weapon by China.
Evidence for corona lab leak at Wuhan lab

Conspiracy theory-Li Meng Yan
Dr. Li – Meng Yan a renowned virology scientist of China claiming that corona originated in a lab. She has extensively researched and published a paper on the conspiracy theory of man-made coronavirus.
She also told the Chinese Government were aware of the spread of coronavirus.
At last Dr. Li Meng yan research told that there was not enough evidence on the topic.
Moreover, research was making great harm to China government. So China government allegedly arrested her 64 years granny. Before Li Meng fled to the US and then reported her conspiracy theory to the world.
Proofs from the Mike pompoe
Mike Pompeo a former secretary of the US state had claimed with evidence. Some scientists from the Wuhan Lab of Virology were admitted to the hospital in November 2019 according to the report.
The scientist had symptoms similar to both COVID-19 and seasonal illnesses.
Also read:Third child ploicy China
Press reporter on lab leak
Nichola Wade renowned writer for New York Times affirms the coronavirus lab leak theory.
He also published the paper according to coronavirus research in the Wuhan lab. Shi Zeng-li a leading expert on viruses did extensive research on bat coronavirus.
Nicola Wade claimed that Shi Zeng visited the caves of Yuman in southern china to collect hundreds of different bat viruses.
Research from India

Students of Delhi university found proof in favor of man-made coronavirus. According to their study spike glycoprotein of coronavirus had four unusual insertions.
Click here know for complete info
Professor reports

Giuseppe Tritto professor and a Global medical expert claim that the Chinese had involved Bat Coronaviruses way back in 2002.
Chinese and France collaborated to find a vaccine for SARS. Further, the French withdraw from the Chinese government.
Chinese then collected thousands of samples of viruses for study and modification purposes. But the intention was to make a Bioweapon in the future and the study was going under the bio-weapon expert Dr. Chen Wei.
Dr. Fauci deal with the Wuhan Institue of Virology

Dr. Fauci presently working as a pandemic advisory in Joe Biden administration. But now speculation claim that his involvement in the origin of coronavirus.
In the administration of Obama, all the labs involved in the study of dangerous viruses were closed for safety measures and its ferocious outcomes in misconduct.
Later, Dr. Fauci was in charge to research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Under the influence of Dr. Fauci, American NHI funded $3.4 million to the Eco Health Alliance to study bat viruses.
Eco Health Alliance paid $598500 to Wuhan lab for the study of bat coronaviruse.
Scientists in Wuhan started Gain of function. This means researches involve the modification of viruses to their most dangerous form. So that they can prepare vaccines accordingly to save from future infections.
A lot of proofs shows that Dr. Fauci for his involvement in developing in novel coronavirus.
The disappearance of Chinese reporters
China always takes certain measures on opposing communities or people very unlawfully.
Most press reporters working against government norms and involved in the investigation of corona origin all gone missing or detained.
So here is a list of people missing
- Chen Qiushi (Activist)
- Xu Zhiyong(Activist)
- Fang Bin (Journalist)
- Li Zeuha ( Journalist)
- Zhang Zhan (Journalist)
- Xu Zhangrun(professor)
In conclusion, after all the claims and proofs the US still could find the origin of Covid-19. The Chinese government is just ignoring and proving proofs as false statements. Yet the whole world waits for the truth behind the Corona lab leak.