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Must Love Icecream Rejected by Shark Tank US Judges


Now people are more health-conscious than ever before. Covid changed the habits of the people. Now consumers are looking for healthy products. Also, people read labels before purchasing any products.

So, Must Love Icecream startup is also into the healthy and organic space. Yes, Must Love founders are aware of the chemicals, preservatives, and sweeteners used in the ice cream. Which eventually deteriorated consumers’ health gradually.

Must Love Icecream founders

Hannah Hong and Mollein Sha are the founders of Must Love. They both are MBA grads from MIT, USA. These Koreans come from business backgrounds. As their parents migrated from Korea to the US to do business.

Irrespective of their backgrounds, these two founders always aimed to do something unique and meaningful.

In 2017, the duo, Hannah Hony and Mollein Sha started the Must Love Organic brand by investing $400k as an initial investment.

Products Specialties

Must Love products are free from preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colors. So, their products are rich in organic ingredients.

Presently they are selling 

  • Oat
  • Icecreams
  • Cookies

Their unique product is Dipped Banilla, where they prepare ice cream bars purely from bananas. Must Love Icecreams has gained great trust from their customers.

Must Love Sales and Revenue

Must Love Icream an organic product brand made $35k in its first financial year in 2017.

From there, the Must Love startup made $1.6 million from 2023 to 2024. The brand has consistently grown over the years.

However, the Must Love Icecream startup is not a profitable one. Yes, they had lost $400k last year.

Must Love founders justify that their losses are due to heavy shelf prices from the retail industry. So, they are under losses for these costs.

Presently, they are in Whole Foods and Sprouts Farmer Market. Even they are operating online as well.

Also read founder struggles

Shark Tank US and Must Love Icecream

Must Love founder are seeking $600k for 7.5% from the Shark Tank judges.

However, all the judges are backed off from the deal due to their hefty losses.

Must Love Icecream fundings

Initially, the founders had equally put $200k from their pocket to start the brand. Then they raised over $1.6 million from friends and family and with some angel investors.

Now they are looking seed round in Shark Tank US. However, none of the Shark Tank judges invested.

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