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Building a brand is not a joke. As it takes an enormous amount of experience and dedication. So it is very difficult to build a company.
There is fierce competition in every field. It is indeed difficult to make your brand successful. But in this story, we are going to cover the Noise Company’s success journey.
Now Noise premium brand for wearables and digital watches. So it is an interesting story about Noise company founder Amit Khatri.
About Noise startup
Noise company had grown as a behemoth in the wearable industry. Now the Noise company has over 27% market share in the smartwatch industry.
In one month then top 10 brands in the world. It ranks 9th in the ranking. There is a huge opportunity for the company to grow in the future.
But it is very difficult to sell in India. According to the demographics, for every thousand people, there is hardly 1 who were digital watch in India. But in the USA there are around 40 people. Then in China, it is 20.
In 2021, the Noise company generated a revenue of 370 crores. The man behind Noise company’s success is Amit Khatri.
Noise company founder Amit Khatri Journey

Noise company founder Amit Khatri Journey Bikaner, Rajasthan. So he had a traditional upbringing. His father was a Banker. Later his entire family got shifted to Kanpur.
There he got exposure to education. Even Amit gets to know about different career opportunities. During his education career, he was very e good at Stats and maths. But he never used to be good at history and biology.
Because these two subjects depend on memorization and sound boring to him. So he never used to have great love towards the subjects. Then after finishing his engineering, he joined Orion Craft Limited company it.
There used to work with brands very closely. Then he used to analyze the work culture of brands. Also got to know strategy about brand building. In his professional career, Amit Khatri works with one of the iconic brands Zara.
There he got to know about Zara’s pricing model. Consequently, he used to Dwell on the topics of branding and business. So, he got a passion for the brand.
In that company used to work as a product development partner. In this way, you got a massive amount of knowledge about brands.
So now he wanted to build his own brand. His passion for business and branding took him to his new venture.
Amit Khatri Noise Company
In 2014, Amit Khatri started the company Noise. In the initial days, Noise company used to sell smartphone accessories. This business was completely bootstrapped.
Amit Khatri started the business from his savings. Later the business was funded by his friends and family.
So the Noise company so did not get external investors. However, Amit Khatri had incredible knowledge about business and branding. As a result, he did not make mistakes early on.
However, Noise company had to sell mobile accessories. So they wanted to start online. Because there was a rapid usage of mobile phones. Then Noise company founder Amit Khatri approached a digital Media company.
From the digital Media company, he got assistance with the website it and Logistics. Later it turned out to be a wrong move. Because the digital Media company that tied up with did not give useful services. In business growth.
Later, Amit Khatri builds the website using Shopify. Then there was no turning back to his business. Every year is revenue grown multifold.
In 2014, Noise company revenue touched over 12 crores. Then in the following year, 2015 Noise company jumped to 24 crores. So, the revenue got doubled.
In 2016 and 2017 the revenue of Noise company was 24 crores and 42 crores.
Amit Khatri gives importance to product quality.
Noise company founder Amit Khatri had a dream run over his business.
Noise company growth
After 2016, there was a message smartphone adoption rate in India. Simultaneously internet users were also exponentially growing. It is because of the revolutionary launch of JIO.
So there was a massive opportunity for online businesses. Then Noise company founder Amit Khatri think about pivoting. Because it was the right time to redirect your business. At that point, there was a huge demand for fashionable Bluetooths, digital watches, and earbuds.
So in 2018, Noise company pivoted from mobile accessories to stylish wearables like Bluetooths and digital watches.
At present in 2022, Noise company wearables are in depend on the market. It has a used audience and hype towards the product.
Also Read : Nothing company founder story
Noise company business strategy

No business can grow overnight. Instead, it needs immense dedication. All the miracles will not happen all by themselves. Rather there should be a strategy behind business growth.
Even Noise company had grown tremendously within a short span. Here are some of the Noise company the business strategies
No funding
Noise company is completely Bootstrap. In short, the company did not have any external investors. Instead, the company is owned 100% by the founders.
So this gave them the power to experiment with the product. At every stage, Noise company products were unique in the market.
Even the product was built according to the trend. Noise company founder Amit Khatri was giving priority to word product development.
If there were external investments. Then the company e is liable to obey investors’ guidance. Then they will not get complete freedom to experiment with the product. Even they are restricted towards profitability. Rather than focusing on product development. Even products fit in the market.
So this gave a massive opportunity for Noise company founders to build products. In this way, Noise company comes out with excellent products.
Feedback from consumer
Brands are built by their own customers. So it is very important for business owners to understand the importance of customers.
However, Amit Khatri works in a position where he heads of product development role. So it was easy for him to know the basics of product development.
Noise company founder Amit Khatri had a constant touch with the customers. He used to communicate with customers about the product. Even he made necessary changes according to the feedback of the customers.
So it is very important to connect with the customers constantly. Because they use your brand. So they know about the product very well.
With time to time, self and product features were eliminated according to the customer’s demand. Even shutter features were added with the customer’s demand and need.
This made Noise company successful in the market.
Reasearch and development
Noise company focused on the RND of the product. They constantly focused on bringing innovative Technologies. Their aim is to revolutionize the wearable industry with their excellent devices.
So they spend a lot of money on research. As a result, give the best result for the company. Finally, Noise company’s success is because of its extensive work in the research and development field.
Digital platform
Initially starting with an online platform made Noise company profitable. It gave superpowers to the company
- Huge audience
- wide exposure
- Huge Opportunity
Now businesses have a massive opportunity on online platforms. Because most of the customers spend time online searching for products.
So it is a massive opportunity for businesses to Grab user attention and sell their product.
Noise company 20% of revenue comes from its own website. Then 60% of revenue comes from the online Marketplace Amazon and Flipkart. The other 20% are offline sales.
In this way noise company is making use of digital platforms. So adopting digital platforms initially the business will help greatly.
Amit Khatri Noise founder advises
Noise company founder Amit Khatri shares his advice and learnings
Fail Fast
Amit Khatri, Noise company founder insists on failing fast. Because it gives two superpowers
- Come up with the right one next time
- Extensive innovation
To build a band company has to focus on the product. Not any company in the world cannot win customers, without making the right products. So the company has to focus on customer-centric products.
Every time company has to come up with your products. It is not sure that every time it will be a success. Most of the time it turns out to be a failure. But the company will get a lot of learnings. Then the company will get the power to prepare the product with the best features.
So the company should not hesitate to fail fast.
Speed is the Key
Noise company founder Amit Khatri focuses on speed. There is huge competition in the outside market. So the company should work efficiently and with great speed.
Then only it is possible to beat the competition and go ahead. Otherwise, the company will struggle a lot with the competition. Noise company also focused on the same strategy.
Amit Khatri made Noise company products to reach the customers consistently. Even focused on the coming with newer products effectively.
So it gave massive power of opportunity to innovate faster. Also to understand user requirements.
In this way, Amit Khatri builds the Noise company. So it inspiration for budding entrepreneurs.